If it seems that waking up in the middle of the night to watch athletes compete in the Olympics is worth it, then, as it turns out, scientific workshops are as exciting. And so, on the 28th of April at the same time on the opposite sides of Eurasia, Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics Bilateral Workshop was held which gathered more than 50 researchers and 100 more attendees.
An early morning in Latvia and workday in Taiwan coming to a close but an exciting feeling of festivity is in the air – after a year of not meeting, finally, the time has arrived for an opportunity to share the findings and research from the past year. Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-Sen University and Latvia’s Institute of Solid State Physics researchers shared their most recent scientific discoveries, discussing the newest material synthesis methods and their characteristics, machine learning use cases, energy harvesting and accumulation and, of course, new opportunities in medicine and making a safer environment to avoid situations we have been in since March 2020.
Where and how the next year's seminar will take place is difficult to predict, nevertheless with every event, the collaboration between Taiwan and the Baltic State researchers becomes closer and we can expect new international discoveries.
See how a workshop looks like in a gallery when there are different epidemiological constraints in every corner of the world.