The Baltic Assembly announces international competition for the Baltic Assembly Prize in Literature, the Arts and Science 2021. Deadline for submitting application is 1 June 2021.

The BA Prize was established to:

  • demonstrate the mutual interests of the countries in this region in upholding their national identity and self-esteem by supporting outstanding achievements in literature, the arts and science;
  • maintain the continuous interest among the people of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia about developments in their neighbouring countries by giving them an opportunity to learn about their neighbours’ achievements;
  • strengthen cooperation among the Baltic States in the fields of literature, the arts and science;
  • create interest among a growing number of people about the intellectual values and languages of the Baltic nations;
  • raise the general level of literature, the arts and science in the Baltic countries.

The prize - a special statuette, a certificate and a monetary award in the amount of EUR 5000 is presented at the Baltic Assembly awards ceremony during the annual session of the Baltic Assembly.

In Science, the prize is awarded to an author for an outstanding research work or series in the humanities, social or natural sciences, which is of international importance and has a considerable impact on the Baltic region and has been published within the past five years.

Last year, the prize in literature was awarded to the prose writer, poet and essayist Birutė Jonuškaitė, the prize in art to directors Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys, and the prize in science to the scientist of our institute Robert Eglītis.


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