For ISSP UL, February is a significant month and not only because of the annual scientific conference, but also because the institute has its anniversary. In addition, this year marks 50 years since the foundation stone of the ISSP UL building was laid. Construction at Ķengaraga Street 8 took place from 1971 to 1974. In 1975, the new building on the bank of the Daugava River housed the laboratories of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (FFM) of the State University of Latvia (SUL) (Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics founded in 1960 as well as the Laboratory of Segnetoelectrics and Piezoelectrics Physics founded in 1968). By merging the two laboratories, on February 24, 1978, the newly established ISSP UL or at that time - P. Stučka SUL Solid State Physics Scientific Research Institute was opened.
