December has started with great news - after receiving the initial International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certificate 9001: 2015 in 2019, on December 2, 2020 the scope of the certificate was expanded. Obtaining an internationally recognized certificate is a confirmation that ISSP UL is a quality and development oriented organization.

Certain conditions and laboratory environment are required for various nanoscale and other topical researches, therefore special laboratories - clean rooms - were built at the institute. In order to have a specific degree of purity, they must constantly carry out quality control - to monitor changes in dust content, pressure, CO2 level and many other parameters, so the steps to obtain ISO certification began straight with the clean rooms.

A significant advantage of a quality system is that all parties involved in a given process at any time know the purpose of the work, those responsible for execution and the equipment as well as the partners, which is very important when performing contract work, carry out procurements and maintaining clean rooms. The system guarantees that important things are not forgotten and gives clarity on what to do in each situation. The first ISO 9001: 2015 certificate received in 2019 marked the result of purposeful work, streamlining user processes, defining duties and responsibilities, as well as identifying the most important risks.

The process of improving the Institute's premises was continued so that the scope of the certificate could also include the ISSP UL’s Open Access Laboratory - a virtual environment, which combines all the services offered by the Institute and has access to all interested companies, research partners and any other external customer. Currently, the obtained certificate includes Open Access Laboratory service, handling of equipment, design and development of products and services, procurement management, provision of clean room infrastructure services for research, training and innovation development.

The family of ISO 9001 standards provides a unified system for consistent results, improvements and further development. The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help improve its overall performance and provide a solid foundation for sustainable development initiatives.

Criteria related to quality, safety and environmental certification are often included in both public and private calls for proposals and applications. In such calls, the winner can be distinguished by the existence of the ISO 9001 certificate.


ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standardization bodies. The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out by ISO technical committees. Each member organization in a field for which a technical committee has been established is entitled to be represented on that committee. International governments and non-governmental organizations also take part in the work.
