We are proud to announce that on November 26, the general meeting of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) took place. As a result of a secret ballot, which was organized remotely this year, taking into account the state of emergency declared in the country, the leading researcher and deputy director for science of our institute Dr.habil.phys. Andris Šternbergs was elected the vice-president of the LAS and the leading researcher of the ISSP UL, Laureate of the Baltic Assembly Prize, Dr.phys. Roberts Eglītis – the true member of the LAS.
Asked about the main tasks in the work plan of the newly elected LAS vice president, the academician Andris Šternbergs names them immediately:
"First, to actively demonstrate the achievements of the Latvian scientific community and individual scientists to policy makers and society as a whole. Second, to promote the development of National research programs in accordance with the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3), as well as to work on a project to resume the joint acquisition and use of expensive infrastructure of scientific institutions, the maintenance of which is covered by state grants, similarly as was the case during the establishment of research centers of national importance. Thirdly, to attract purposeful and ambitious young people to both science and LAS membership thus renewing the generation of scientists and passing on the experience of the existent academy grands!”
Newly elected LAS management:
Andrejs Ērglis - Vice President;
Ojārs Spārītis - Vice President;
Andris Šternbergs - Vice President;
Baiba Rivža - Secretary General;
Modris Greitāns - Secretary of Foreign Affairs;
Bruno Aandersons - Chairman of the LAS Foundation.
Newly elected members of the LAS:
Full members - Pāvels Arsenjans, Aivars Bērziņš, Uģis Cābulis, Roberts Eglītis, Tatjana Koķe, Jānis Ločs, Māra Pilmane, Anna Stafecka.
Foreign members - Thomas Kaufman, Hannu Korkeala, Sarmīte Mikuļoniene, Andrejs Sibirnijs.
Honorary member - Skaidrīte Lasmane.
Corresponding members - Ilze Akota, Raivis Bičevskis, Atis Elsts, Valts Ernštreits, Uldis Neiburgs, Līga Lepse, Romans Viters.