In 2020, the jury decided to award the Baltic Assembly (BA) Prize for Science to Dr.phys. Roberts Eglītis - a leading researcher in the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Computer Modelling of Electronic Structure of Solids for his research cycle "Theoretical predictions of new materials for energy storage and harvesting ".

The awards ceremony of the BA Prize in Literature, Arts and Science was scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 5 in Tallinn during the annual BA session.  However, due to the COVID-19, the ceremony was rescheduled to take place individually in each country’s parliament. As the situation with the pandemic has been growing worse and with new restrictions being introduced, the ceremony is rescheduled to be held in spring 2021.

The BA Prize in Literature will be awarded to novelist, poet and essayist Birutė Jonuškaitė nominated for her novel series “Maranta” and “Maestro”, while directors Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys will receive the prize for the documentary film “Bridges of Time”.

The aim of the Prize is to support outstanding achievements in literature, the arts and science; demonstrate the common interests of the countries in this region in upholding of their national identity and self-esteem; create an opportunity to learn about the achievements of the neighboring countries; maintain a continuous interest among the people in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania about developments in the Baltic states; strengthen cooperation among the Baltic States in the fields of literature, the arts and science; encourage more and more people to become interested in the intellectual values and languages of the Baltic nations; and raise the level of literature, the arts and science in the Baltic States.

The Baltic Assembly Prizes Booklet 2020 
