The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is very pleased to host the online conference MSCA 2020 – Achieving more together on 29 September under the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Together for Europe´s recovery – this is the slogan of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. While the European Union is facing its greatest challenge so far, the term together is more important than ever. Europe cannot overcome this challenge if we do not work closely together, closer than before.

Together, this is also needed when it comes to the MSCA, and that is why we have chosen the two main topics of the conference: on the one hand, “Synergies between the MSCA and the European Universities Initiative”, to achieve more together than these two funding lines could achieve alone; on the other hand “Supervision in the MSCA and beyond”, because we believe we have to work more closely together in the future of the MSCA. Behind every fellow, there is a supervisor, and we need to listen to the voices of the latter more carefully to make the MSCA an even greater success in Horizon Europe than they already are.

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