On September 3, director of the Latvian Council of Science (LCS) Gita Rēvalde visited Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia. The purpose of the visit was to discuss the strategy of the newly established institution LCS and the possibilities of cooperation with the Institute, as well as to see the renovated laboratories and get acquainted with the infrastructure.

G. Rēvalde expressed hope that scientists would perceive LCS as a reliable ally and source of information about what is happening in science scene of Latvia. The director also called for scientific issues to be discussed with both the representatives of expert commissions and LCS specialists, as well as to get involved in finding and implementing solutions.

Gita Rēvalde was nominated for the position of the director of LZP after participating in the open competition, which took place in three rounds, during which she confirmed her competencies and compliance with the position. The winner of the competition has gained extensive and versatile experience in science and higher education for more than 30 years, including in the highest level administrative positions both in Latvia and abroad.

More: State Chancellery (In Latvian)
