EU Ministers of European Affairs, Industry, Research and related areas met on 26 and 27 September 2019, in Brussels, to discuss the long-term EU strategy for sustainable growth, one of the cornerstones of the EU strategic agenda 2019-2024 adopted by the European Council last June. The discussion was based on a paper prepared by the Finnish Presidency.

Ministers emphasized the central role of R&I for the transformation towards a sustainable economy and society. At the same time, they underlined the importance of using and applying research results more effectively. They stressed the need for close collaboration with sectoral policies. Several ministers mentioned the crucial role of education in this process, as well as the importance of increased support for disruptive technologies and innovations. Ministers also referred to the role of Horizon Europe, the R&I partnerships and the imminent relaunch of the European Research Area which shall have sustainable growth as a main objective.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia Līga Lejiņa emphasized the need to act in a coordinated manner so that the transition would be fair to all Member States, taking into account regional differences and ensuring support at the European Union level.

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