On September 5, in the Futurium museum (Berlin, Germany) the installation "Biotricity/Bacteria Battery" by the RIXC artists Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits is going to be exhibited and will become a part of the permanent exhibition.

The idea's authors of the art and science project “Biotricity / Bacteria Battery” are RIXC artists Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits. Both in a collaboration with scientists of our Institute of Solid State Physics and the Faculty of Biology began their experiments with micro-bial fuel cell (MFC) in 2012, trying out “living bacteria's” activity in different settings.

This art and science project experiments with “mud batteries” inside of which are bacteria that otherwise live on the seabed or the bottom of lakes. The bacteria generate energy in the battery's mud. That energy is then converted into electricity in a special fuel cell and transmitted to a clock. Since the energy fluctuates, there is not a steady flow of electricity to the clock. The artists transform these fluctuations into pictures in a video and thereby make the invisible “work” of nature visible in real time.
