Researchers of the Laboratory of Materials Morphology and Structure Investigations, in collaboration with the EXAFS Group in Synchrotron Trieste (Dr. Giuliana Aquilanti), have published an article in the high rank journal Acta Materialia ( with an impact factor of 7,293!

In the article I. Jonane, A. Anspoks, G. Aquilanti, A. Kuzmin, High-temperature X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of thermochromic copper molybdate, Acta Materialia 179 (2019) 26-35 (, X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Cu and Mo K-edges was used to study the effect of heating on the local atomic structure and dynamics in copper molybdate (α-CuMoO4) in the temperature range from 296 to 973 K. The reverse Monte-Carlo method was successfully employed to perform accurate simulations of EXAFS spectra at both absorption edges simultaneously allowing to determine structural models of α-CuMoO4 being consistent with the experimental EXAFS data.
