We invite to participate in the development of high-tech in Deep Science in Hackathon on the 15-17 of February. We are looking for high-tech ideas that use intelligent materials and we offer to take a lasting place in the environment of new enterprises of Baltics.

The DeepScience Hackathon, organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL), will be the second Hackathon in Latvia of that kind. We will identify the strongest material-based high technology ideas with the potential for innovations, that will take a permanent place in the environment of new enterprises of Baltics. For three days, participants will create interdisciplinary teams and develop ideas with a help of mentors. At the end of the event, they will present their ideas to a jury, investors and stakeholders. During the event, participants will also be able to learn more about the new enterprise ecosystem, business model canvas, presentation and investor-pitch preparation.

We expect participants with completely new ideas as well as participants that have reached the prototype stage. We also look forward to welcome participants from companies with existing products that would benefit from further development with the help of advanced technology. If you do not have an own idea, you will have the opportunity to join one of the teams with your expertise (physics, materials science, chemistry, business development, design, engineering, programming, marketing, etc.).

We are looking forward to ideas from the following areas:

  • Smart materials
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Coatings and thin films
  • Photonics
  • Micro / nano electronics
  • Energetics

All participants will have the opportunity to consult with both Latvian and foreign mentors that will help to guide you and develop your ideas. The best ideas will get the opportunity to continue implementing the idea in the ISSP UL support program, as well as valuable awards from supporters.

Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) is an internationally recognized leader with 40 years of experience in material science and cross-sectoral issues, offering internationally competitive research and innovative solutions for industrial applications.

More about DSH 2018 in Facebook:


Register here:



Friday 15.02.

17:30 - Check-in, networking, coffee, snacks

18:00 - Opening & Introduction, Start-up Ecosystem

19:30 - Presentation of ideas

21:00 - Team formation

22:00 - Team training – Steps Plan

22:30 - Team works begins

Saturday 16.02

9:00 – Breakfast

10:00 – 1st Checkpoint & Team Training

10:30 – Preparation for Mentor session

11:00 – Presentations for Mentors

12:00 – Lunch

12:30 – Mentors works with every team

16:30 – break

16:45 – 2nd Checkpoint

18:30 – Dinner

19:30 – Key working night

Sunday 17.02

9:00 – Breakfast

10:00 – Energizer & Updates

10:15 – 3rd Checkpoint

11:30 – 1st Pitch training session

13:00 – Lunch

14:00 – 4rd Checkpoint

16:30 – Final updates & reflections

17:00 – Final Event

19:30 – Wrap-up & Networking
