At 11:00 on Tuesday, December 18, the launch of Latvia's National Encyclopaedia's electronic site – a high-quality general-knowledge and information online resource in the Latvian language, accessible free of charge – took place at Bebrene Manor in Bebrene Parish.

Bebrene was chosen to launch the site to symbolically demonstrate the encyclopaedia's accessibility to anyone interested, anywhere in the world and, at the same time, to bring to light the cultural heritage of the Sēlija province. Bebrene is a settlement in the Bebrene Parish of the Ilūkste District, part of the culturally historic Sēlija province. The National Library of Latvia launched the National Encyclopaedia project in 2014 with the purpose of creating a modern encyclopaedia in the Latvian language. In 2015, the project evolved into the National Encyclopaedia's editorial board, which developed a long-term vision of what the content of a knowledge-based resource developed by contemporary professionals should look like. Gradually, an increasing number of specialists became involved in the implementation of encyclopaedia tasks, and partnerships developed with a number of Latvian institutions. More at : Scientists of the ISSP UL have helped to the creation of the encyclopedia!
