Public lectures will be held at ISSP UL on December 14 at 10:00.   On December 13-14, 2018, Tony Donné, EUROfusion programme manager, will arrive in Latvia to visit the state officials and project executives. During his visit, T. Donné will meet with the President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Ojārs Spārītis, the rector of the University of Latvia Indriķis Muižnieks, visit the Academic Centre of University of Latvia, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL).

On December 13, T. Donné will give the insight on status and prospects of European fusion research (Roadmap ) to the academicians at the LAS, and on December 14 10:00 he will give a lecture Nuclear Fusion: from Science Fiction to Science Fact (Fusion ) to the scientists, students and general public in the premises of the ISSP UL. About Tony Donné From 1985 to 2014, Tony Donné had worked at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research DIFFER ( He had started his career at the Institute as a post-doctoral student, moving up the career ladder from the head of the research group to the director of the EURATOM-FOM fusion research association. From 2009 to 2014, T. Donné had co-ordinated activities in the field of fusion research in the Netherlands, and had established and led the Dutch-Russian Centre-of-Excellence on Fusion Physics and Technology, and was the director of the ITER-NL consortium program. Since June 2014, he is the leader of the EUROfusion program, one of Europe's largest scientific research consortia. His almost entire scientific career is related to plasma diagnostics in various fusion reactors. He has been closely involved in designing of ITER and developing research in diagnostic for 20 years. Extended CV 
