We are very proud to announce that European Commission (EC) Community research and development information service (CORDIS) journalists have published news about CAMART² project under title “Fostering excellence in material physics innovation in the Baltics”.

‘Research and innovation are instrumental in building a prosperous future for Europe. However, despite the significant efforts being made at national and EU levels, there are certain obstacles that hamper the development of research and innovation. One important stumbling block is that there aren’t enough centres of research and excellence to propel Europe towards sustained and strategically innovative growth. Launched in 2017, the EU-funded project CAMART2 is focusing on one particular centre of excellence: the University of Latvia’s Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP UL). Its vision is to upgrade and establish the ISSP UL as a key centre of excellence for education, science, innovation and technology transfer in the Baltic countries. Already one of Latvia’s leading research institutions, the ISSP UL will become a hub for a joint collaboration and technology transfer platform for material physics based on high technologies..’ Full article is available at cordis.europa.eu/news/rcn/130140_en.html
