On October 11 at 13:00 at the conference room on the 2nd floor of the ISSP UL, Kengaraga street 8, Ivan Shorubalko (Empa – Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland) will give a talk entitled “Lippmann miniaturized spectrometers”.

Miniaturized spectrometers and focal plane array spectrometers are ofgreat importance in many fields of applications and particularly in such societydriven fields as environmental and health monitoring. One of the concepts tobuild compact spectrometers is based on the Lippmann principle of recordingcolors in photography (Nobel prize in physics 1908). Light reflection from amirror surface, interference and forming standing wave are behind the workingprinciple. Recently, stationary-wave integrated Fourier transform spectrometry(SWIFTS) gained interest because of its high resolution, small dimensions, andconceptual architectures for 2D array spectrometers. In my talk I will give an introduction to the field, an overview of the stateof-the-art, present our recent results, and challenges for the future. References: [1] E. Zgraggen, O. Scholder, G. L. Bona, F. Fontana, E. Alberti, A. Crespi, R.Osellame, T. Scharf, and I. Shorubalko "Optical properties of waveguide-couplednanowires for sub-wavelength detection in microspectrometer applications" J.Opt., 17, 025801 (2015) [2] M. Madi, F. Ceyssens, I. Shorubalko, H. P. Herzig, B. Guldimann, P. Giaccart"Lippmann waveguide spectrometer with enhanced throughput and bandwidthfor space and commercial applications" Optics Express, 26, 2682 (2018) [3] M. Madi, E. Alberti, I. Shorubalko “Miniaturized Waveguide ImagingSpectrometer” European Patent Application EP3270127, Patent CooperationTreaty Application WO2018011035, Published: 17.01.2018 register.epo.org/application
