The 12th International Scientific Conference 'Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies – FM&NT-2018' will be held on October 2-5, in Radisson Blu Latvia Conference & Spa Hotel. The event is organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics of University of Latvia (ISSP UL).

The aim of the scientific conference FM&NT-2018 is to promote international co-operation in the fields of science, education and innovative business, stimulating research of various materials and technologies, which in future could become high-added value products and devices. The conference on 'Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies' has been taking place since 2006 and has gained continued popularity among international scientists. This year, more than 180 scientists from the USA, Belarus, Denmark, South Africa, France, Georgia, Estonia, Italy, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Finland, Thailand, Taiwan, Ukraine, Hungary, and other countries Germany, Sweden, and, of course, Latvia have confirmed their participation in the conference. During the conference, participants from more than 20 countries will share their latest scientific achievements, report on trends and activities in research and development of prospective materials using modern nanotechnology techniques. Introductory words during the opening of the conference will be given by the Deputy state secretary and Director of the higher education, science and innovation department at the Ministry of Education and science Dmitrijs Stepanovs and Vice-rector of Exact sciences, life and medical sciences of the University of Latvia professor Valdis Segliņš. Plenary reports will be given by such world-class scientists as professor Andreas Schreyer on topical issues and opportunities in the field of functional materials for the European Spallation Source, and professor Peter Kazansky, one of the most prominent scientists at the University of Southampton Optoelectronics Research Center, who will talk about the art of femtosecond laser writing. The lectures of professor Peter Kazansky and professor Maija Kuklja on October 5 at 13:00 will be open to all interested people. 6 plenary, 19 invited, 36 oral and 130 poster presentations will reflect the results of theoretical and experimental research on functional materials and related processes, as well as possible application of innovative materials in science and economy. The topics of the conference also include materials for energy and renewable energy technologies, biomedicine, multifunctional inorganic, organic and hybrid materials for photonics, micro- and nanoelectronics. In additional meetings, cooperation in joint projects, the exchange of students and young researchers as well as governmental and political support for science will be discussed. On October 4, a special session is devoted to Horizon 2020 project reports. An overview of the ISSP UL co-ordinated project CAMART², which is currently the only project funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation project in the Baltic Sea Region, will also be presented. Homepage of the conference:
