Brookhaven Lab/Stony Brook University physicist Anatoly Frenkel with postdoc Janis Timoshenko in collaboration with scientists of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia – A. Anspoks, A. Cintins, A. Kuzmin, and J. Purans, use approach analogous to facial-recognition technology to track atomic-scale rearrangements relevant to phase changes, catalytic reactions, and more.

Read more: This scientific development is published in the Physical Review Letters on May 31, 2018 and describes the use of an artificial neural network approach to extract the information on the local structure and its in situ changes directly from the x-ray absorption fine structure spectra. More information can be gained from the invited talk of the prof. Anatoly Frenkel during the International conference FM&NT – 2018, held in Riga, Latvia, October 2-5, 2018. (
