For several years, the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) guides student excursions from different Latvian schools

At the end of April, the ISSP UL hosted the 11th grade students of Agenskalns State Gymnasium to inform young people about the achievements of the Institute, to show the daily life of scientists and to work in laboratories together with the Institute's researchers. This workshop / discussion, organized by Inga Jonāne from the Laboratory of Materials Morphology and Structure Investigations, was named "Designing the Inspiration". In the beginning, the students had warmed up their minds in different tasks, then, the laboratories were visited, and inspirational stories about both the institute and the choice of education were presented, as well as the story of the members of the Student Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia. Take your chance to visit ISSP UL:
