Society “Staro 100” (organizers of light festivals “Staro Riga” in Riga (Latvia)) suggested the light object Solar Tree made by Designer Talivaldis Muzikants and Institute of Solid State Physics of University of Latvia (UL) as participants to Bella SkyWay festival in Torun (Poland), August 23-28, 2016.

SkyWay festival webpage: Over the summer the solar tree was refreshed, equipped with an energy tracking display. The tree is take to Poland by three specialists from Hydrogen energy materials laboratory of ISSP UL: BSc.phys. Artis Volkovs (engineer), Dr.phys. Mārtiņš Vanags, (researcher) and Vladimirs Ņemcevs (engineer). The Solar tree is placed at Torun Gingerbread museum and pleases the townspeople and visitors for one week. What is Bella SkyWay festival? A festival that is fresh, unique and reality-changing. A festival that breathes new life into the gothic town walls of Toruń. The Festival has been organised in Toruń since 2009 and its beginnings are connected with the fact that the town tried to become a European Capital of Culture 2016. The programme of this event is based on three pillars:
  • Science – festival’s concept is based on astronomy and science. The way Skyway communicates with people taking part in it is unusual, accessible and inspiring, always inviting people to go a step further to learn something new. The experience of beauty is very important, of course, but that scientific accent should be not neglected.
  • Art – the driving force of the festival. Audiovisual arts, performance, art that is electrifying, innovative and unusual, that goes well with the natural landscape of the town and its public space. Art you can simply touch. This festival pillar is important from the perspective of town’s heritage and history, as Toruń is known for its special art and science-friendly atmosphere.
  • People – “culture for everybody” – this has been the motto of the festival since its very beginning. Skyway is an event for all generations. To start interaction with culture it’s enough to leave the house. This is an advantage of a non-commercial event. An important aspect of the festival is a possibility to get involved in special actions accompanying the event.
Science and art combined with a strong social dimension are the aspects that have always intermingled and complemented one another in Toruń. They make the town so special. So does Skyway. In this year the Solar Tree of Institute of Solid State Physics, UL participates in this parade of light not only as unique symbol of Latvian Gold Apple Tree, but also as unique energetically self-sufficient object, who draws energy from the Sun – the giver of life on our Earth.
