Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia announces the start of Preliminary Selection of Postdoctoral Applications for submission to the State Education Development Agency for Activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid” of the Specific Aid Objective 1.1.1 “To increase the research and innovative capacity of scientific institutions of Latvia and the ability to attract external financing, investing in human resources and infrastructure”. The deadline for the submission is 24.10.2016.

Documents must be submitted in compliance with the Regulation:
  • by sending it as an electronic document signed by a safe electronic signature containing the time stamp to the email address: <link> or
  • in person by submitting one hard copy at ISSP UL, Kengaraga street 8, Riga, room 204 or
  • by post – ISSP UL, Kengaraga street 8, Riga, LV-1063, Latvia.
The goal of this competition is to select postdoctoral researchers for submission and implementation of research applications in line with the Research Program of ISSP UL, prescribing the following priority directions of the research:
  • Functional materials for electronics and photonics;
  • Nanotechnology, nanocomposites and ceramics;
  • Thin films and coating technologies;
  • Theoretical and experimental studies of materials structure and properties.
More about preliminary selection of postdoctoral project can be found here.
