Today, February 23, 2018, the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia celebrates its 40th anniversary! All colleagues, friends and co-operation partners who have been together since the beginning or only for a moment are welcomed to celebrate this great event with us. Not everyone could find the opportunity to meet us in person, but are remotely together with us. Thank you for your support and greetings!

Greetings from Mikael Östling, Deputy President from KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Dear Director Rutkis,

It is with my greatest pleasure to hear about your 40th anniversary of the Institute of Solid State Physics ISSP. It is also with the greatest enthusiasm that we just recently have started to collaborate in the European project CAMART and CAMART2. I'm very positive that the new possibility of bringing our research and educational activities much closer together. The way forward will always be through high quality international collaboration. I truly hope that your celebration will be successful and I wish you the best of success with the Annual Scientific conference and for the next 40 years for ISSP.

Greetings from Director of VBLHEP Vladimir Kekelidze (in picture) and Head of the VBLHEP Department Sergey Tyutyunnikov

Dear Professor Martin Rutkis!

Dear Professor Andris Sternberg!

Accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary of your Institute of Solid State Physics at the University of Latvia. Long-term scientific contacts have been connected in the past and are now continuing in the field of research of condensed matter on both synchrotron radiation beams and neutron beams of our IBR-2 reactor. Your school on ferroelectrics, physical methods of interpretation absorbance spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation beams is widely known in Russia.

Your leading research associate, Alexei Kuzmin, takes an active part in the work of the JINR Program and Advisory Committee on Condensed Matter Physics. At present, your colleagues take an active part in the preparation of a scientific program at the NICA Collider, which is being developed at JINR, within the framework of applied research.

On behalf of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, accept our congratulations. We wish your team and you personally good health, prosperity, great scientific achievements.

Greetings from foreign member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Juris Upatnieks

Congratulations to the 40th anniversary of the ISSP UL and wishing to continue the significant and productive work for many years!

Greetings from Dr. Jiri Kulda, Senior scientific consultant at Institut Laue-Langevin

I am honnoured by your kind invitation to share with you the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of your institute. Unfortunately I have already other engagements foreseen on the dates of your meeting, so that I will not be able to participate in it.

Please accept my congratulations to your achievements over the past four decades. My thoughts go to all those who have contributed to the remarkable history of your institute and with whom I had the occasion to communicate in the past - here I am thinking of Andris Sternberg in first row. I am wishing good luck and success in future activities to you personnally and to all of your colleagues. I am sure the colaborators of the ILL and its directors Prof. H. Schober and Prof. M. Johnson are joining me in my wishes.

Greetings from the Principal Sceintist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) – Pauls Stradiņš

Thank you very much for the invitation! Unfortunately, I cannot get to the event. However, lots of congratulations in the 40th anniversary of the ISSP UL. I wish you to seek and to find new, unprecedented or unexplored research fields and objects. Perhaps a new revelation will appear, by looking at certain, seemingly trivial things with a further and much clearer view. As a good example I can mention profound experiments of graphene that, using an insulating tape, has been recently discovered and examined by Geim and Novoselov. I wish you to teach and inspire students to look at things with a fresh look and always question the results revealed by prominent scientists, because students themselves will in an incredibly short time become as ones. Do not be afraid to be ambitious and “think Big!” – if it only has a solid foundation! 

I wish you to have an intensive progress in new research, finding new directions and involving as many students as possible!

Greetings form Prof.dr. Tony Donné, the first Programme Manager for the consortium EUROfusion

I congratulate the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia with its 40th Anniversary. I regret that I cannot attend the celebration on February 23rd, but I look forward to visit ISSP in the course of 2018 to see the facilities and to have discussions on the excellent contributions of ISSP to EUROfusion, which are strongly focused on the important field of materials and plasma-facing components. I wish the Institute and all its personnel a very good ceremony and of course all the best for the next 40 years.
