LIMS  - Laboratory information management system.

The system mainly provides:

  1. Online booking of equipment at the Institute of Solid State Physics;
  2. Management of user roles when working with the appropriate equipment;
  3. Quick and easy access to the complete list of technical tools, possibility to check the availability of equipment and its status;
  4. Obtain the necessary information about equipment (equipment descriptions, manuals, process recipes) and save logs of use of the equipment.

The system provides easy communication between users, gathering of statistical data on tools, their bookings and maintenance, etc.

To register in LIMS:

  1. The user must complete the application before course.
  2. Apply for the LIMS training by writing an email to the LIMS chief administrator.

LIMS Administrators:

Chief Administrator:
Valdis Korsaks,
Tel. +371 26437272

Gatis Mozolevskis,
Tel. +371 29106977