Alumni Membership request

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Our Alumni

Andris Šivars

At the Institute from 2011 till 2014

Laboratory of Hydrogen energy material

Currently - a process engineer at AGP eGlass in Belgium


«At present, my daily work is related to vacuum technologies and thin film physics - starting with the study of the fundamental properties of materials and technological processes, ending with the implementation of the obtained solutions in mass production.

I remember ISSP UL as a place where I gained in-depth knowledge of solid state physics, various experimental methods, and - most importantly - knowledge of other physics disciplines.»

Jānis Timošenko

At the Institute from 2006 till 2015

EXAFS Spectroscopy laboratory

Currently Head of the “Operando Hard X-ray Spectroscopy group” at Fritz Haber Institute (Max Planck Society) in Germany


«Currently my work is related to the scientific research of catalysts and other functional materials using X-rays, numerical modeling and modern data analysis methods.

ISSP UL is a place where I am always happy to return, because the institute has been the source of my enthusiasm for work in science, and it is still a place to find inspiration. Along with knowledge and practical skills, ISSP UL has given me the opportunity to work with excellent researchers, and has allowed me to establish scientific contacts that have not lost their relevance.»

PhD Mihails Čubarovs

At the Institute from 2006 till 2010

Crystal Physics Department

Currently – a process development engineer at Infineon Technologies AG, Villach, Austria


«My work at Infineon is targeted at the process development of GaN epitaxial growth on Si for power applications. This involves gaining the understanding of the growth mechanisms and relations of epi parameters and electrical behavior of the resulting devices. 

During the times at ISSP UL I did gain valuable knowledge and experience in semiconductor physics, metrology equipment setup, data analysis, and problem solving.»

Guntis Mārciņš

At the institute from 2004 till 2019

Department of Crystal Physics

At present – researcher at SIA GroGlass


«My daily work is related to creation of conductive and dielectric thin films, their analysis and characterization for applications in large-scale optical coatings.

I remember ISSP UL as a place where I was recruited as a second-year student by Ivars Tāle and was put in the laboratory, which I had to free from scraps beforehand. But, to be honest, the institute was a great start to my career. While working at the institute, I gained extensive knowledge in science and engineering skills, both by creating experiments on my own and by consulting with experienced colleagues.»

Aleksandrs Kaļinko

At the Institute from 2001 till 2013

Solid State Radiation Laboratory and
EXAFS spectroscopy laboratory

Currently – Advanced X-ray spectroscopy beamline’s scientist at PETRA III synchrotron facility


«At-present, I’m working in the field of high-resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy with a focus on scientific instrumentation design and implementation. 

At ISSP UL I’ve made the 1st steps in my scientific career under the great supervision of the institute scientists. They have guided me thru the process of learning and introduced to me a wonderful world of scientific research.»